Connecting SensorTag to SensorThings

For connecting SensorTag to SensorThings API (STA) service, first you need to know your SensorTag Device ID. You can find it in the name of the device that you can see in the mobile application for connecting to the dvice. B0:B4:48:BC:E2:87 is an example of device id, but for our use we need to remove the colons from the device id. Then you can use the device id either in uppercase or lowercase.

Now that you know your device id:

  • in the mobile app connect to your device and choose "Advanced" in the "Cloud View" section.
  • Choose "Custom" for "Cloud service"
  • Empty "Username" and "Password"
  • Fill out the "Device id" with the device id you have
  • Fill out the "Broker Address" with "tcp://"
  • Fill out the "Broker Port" with "1883"
  • Finally the "Publish Topic" with "sensortagSTA/{your device id}"
  • Save the configuration and turn on the "Push to Cloud" button
  • Done!

If this is the first time that you connect your device to STA a new Thing with four Datastreams is generated for you. You can find your Thing by using$filter=description eq 'SimpleLink Multi-Standard SensorTag Development kit' and looking for your device id in the properties. Then you can see the stream sensor data from your SensorTag in the Datastreams.